What are endpoints?

Endpoints are callback URLs or paths to the page or script on your server that will listen, receive and process webhooks.

How to register your endpoints

You can register your endpoints in the Webhooks section under the Settings menu of your account.

Register your endpoint step by step

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click on Settings on the top menu
  3. Click on Webhooks under Developer section of Settings
  4. Click the Register Webhook button
  5. Enter the name of your app under Webhook e.g SMS Delivery Report
  6. Enter a brief description under Description e.g Endpoint for listening to SMS Delivery Reports.
  7. Select the version of callbacks to receive under Version in Type e.g v2
  8. Select the channel statuses to listen for under Events in Scope e.g SMS Delivered, SMS Failed
  9. Select the type of content type which will be sent to the endpoint under Type in Content e.g JSON (application/json)
  10. Enter your callback URL under Endpoint in Callback e.g https://example.com/sms/dlr.php
  11. Click on Save to register your endpoint and activate your webhooks
  12. That's it! Your webhook is now ready. Ensure your endpoint can now process your callbacks.