Send airtime to any mobile in Kenya instantly!

Millions of customers and thousands of businesses trust our unified platform and API to instantly and securely deliver airtime to their mobile phones across all networks. Join them!

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Why choose Topups?

Here's a small bit of what our platform can provide to help meet your airtime needs.

Your airtime bundles are delivered instantly to your phone, tablet or other mobile device.
No need to scratch cards, enter vouchers or dial codes to activate or use your airtime.
Add contacts to your address book, with friendly names, for easy top up later.
Search your recharge history for all contacts and amounts you have ever topped up.
Top up multiple numbers, on different networks, all at once, directly or from Excel.
Get amazing discounts whenever you load your balance with high value purchases.
Receive success or failure alerts for all airtime requests sent by your application.
Our developer friendly API can handle thousands of concurrent requests at once.
Our beautiful yet functional dashboard helps you access all airtime related data in a jiffy.